
The 16th Tokyo International Quilt Festival, Japan Quilt Award, Picture Frame Division
I designed a chair that is associated with the simple shape of ○△□. By making it a "room with a chair
It is a composition that gives a sense of depth even though it is flat. The work is expressed in red, black, and white colors that leave a strong impression on the viewer's eyes.
It gives an impact and strength to the work. The quilting is kept to a minimum, taking advantage of the blank space.
The machine embroidered numbers in the work are actual dimensions (cm). A small picture frame is playfully hidden inside the picture frame.
額サイズ 縦25cm × 横45cm × 厚さ3cm
- 技法
- ミシンピーシング、ミシンキルティング、ミシン刺繍
- 素材
- 無地コットン、ポリエステル糸、ポリエステル綿