EYE アイ!

The 13th Tokyo International Quilt Festival, Japan Quilt Grand Prix, Picture Frame, Honorable Mention
The first time in my life that I went to see art was in the summer of 2013. It was in the summer of 2013, at the "LOVE Exhibition" at the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi.I was so shocked by the free-thinking contemporary artworks that I couldn't contain my excitement and made a vow to myself.I vowed to myself, "I'm going to wipe out all stereotypes and continue to create art with a free eye, ideas, and methods! I promised myself.This vow is expressed in the eyes of determination. I also studied the couching technique and applied stitches in the style of stitching.
At that time, I studied design and color for the first time in Tokyo, and entered this work in a public contest for the first time.
It is a work full of the power of "firsts" and a memorable step in my career as an artist.
額絵サイズ 縦35㎝ × 横31㎝ × 厚さ2.5㎝
- 技法
- ミシンピーシング、ミシンカウチングキルティング、ミシン刺繍
- 素材
- コットン布、綿麻布、ボタン、刺繍糸